The Pavilion on the Park, Kingfisher Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 9LH
On Saturday 11th May we will be holding an Open Day and AGM The Pavilion on the Park Community Centre. Doors open at 11.00 am for drop in when we aim to have members of our key teams to provide information about District resources and opportunities. There will be training support and validation on hand for anyone needing to get advice and support, District team members if you want to discuss any aspect of District management, information points on Rock-n-Roll activities, equipment availability and booking for water activities or archery sessions. Or just pop in for a chat and a cuppa supplied by our Spam-n-Roll team.
If you want bring in some of your young people they will also be very welcome and we want to hear how they are enjoying their Scouting.
If anyone would like an award presented during the day please let me or Colin know so we can make suitable arrangements.
After lunch we will be holding our AGM from 2.15 pm. I have attached the agenda for this.
Please encourage your te